Bicycle Helmets: Laws, Injury Prevention, and More
What Do You Need to Know About Wearing a Bike Helmet in Arizona? Our Bicycle Injury Lawyers Explain Bicycle helmets and bicycle helmet laws save lives. They also prevent non-fatal traumatic brain injuries (TBI) in many cases. According to the National Safety Council (NSC), about one-third of all serious injuries from bicycle accidents are head […]
Auto Accidents and Bicycles: Avoid Riding Too Far to the Right
Drivers Who Ride Too Far to the Right Often Put Cyclists in Harm’s Way “I was on my morning training ride outside of Phoenix. The roads in my area don’t have bike lanes, so I was riding in the right-hand lane with the flow of traffic. I was on the right side of the lane […]
Broken Bones in a Car Accident

One of the leading causes of broken bones is involvement in a car accident, simply because during any collision your body absorbs a tremendous amount of impact. Some of the most common bones broken during a collision are lower legs and femurs, arms and wrists, clavicles (collarbones), hips, and ribs. Common fractures include all bones listed above, as […]
What to do if you’ve had a low-speed rear-end accident

Having an accident at any speed is traumatic and stressful, let alone often painful so having an accident at lower speeds shouldn’t be taken less seriously. All accidents have the potential to cause damage and destruction to people and property- and even at low speeds, a rear-end accident poses a threat. In the US, rear-end […]
Receiving medical treatment after a rear-end accident

If you’ve been involved in a rear-end accident and managed to escape without any immediate injury or pain, you should always get medical treatment- just in case! There have been many accident cases where injuries develop after the initial accident and can go undetected which often leads to further medical complications. Whether your accident was […]
Rear-end Accidents At Stop Signs- All You Need To Know

Rear-end accidents and stop signs are two of the most common elements of a car accident in our busy towns across America, as we try to rush through our busy daily lives. Stop signs are a prominent feature in many accident cases, with drivers either running them without stopping or colliding into another car that […]