Rear-end Accidents At High Speed: All You Need To Know

Due to the very nature of rear-end accidents, the significance of speed as a factor often results in catastrophic injuries and ongoing health issues as a direct result of being involved in a rear-end accident at high speed. Often, people in rear-end accidents have neck and spine injuries caused by direct force and tragically brain […]
Had A Hit and Run Accident On The Freeway?

What to do if you’re a victim of a hit-and-run on the freeway? The term freeways were first created in California to refer to a toll-free highway where traffic could continue to flow at high speeds which in the 1950s seemed like a great idea to help alleviate traffic. Fast forward to modern-day road use […]
Been involved in a rear-end accident at an intersection?

Being involved in a rear-end accident is the most common accident in America with on average 1.7 million crashes happening every year. Out of this, according to a report from the Washington Post, around 1,700 deaths happen with 500,000 injuries each year. This is a huge number of people being involved in rear-end collisions and […]
Been Involved In A High-speed Hit And Run Accident? Here’s What You Need To Do

Being involved in a hit-and-run accident at any speed is frustrating and often scary for the victim as they’re left feeling helpless and confused as to what to do next. If you’ve been involved in a high-speed hit and run accident and want to know what you should do next or want some legal advice […]
What To Do When You’re Involved In A Hit and Run Accident at an Intersection

Our blog explores the legal implications of a hit and run accident at an intersection and some of the reasons why people choose to flee the scene after causing an accident. In most states, any driver involved in an accident with another vehicle is required by law to move quickly to a safe location and […]
Been Involved In A Hit-and-run At A Stop Sign?

Sadly, hit-and-run accidents at stop signs are rather common as the perpetrator recognizes immediately they should have stopped so they decide to flee the scene. Hit-and-run accidents are some of the most stressful accidents as there is often no conclusion for the victim as the driver may never be caught. Depending on whether there have […]