What Medical Treatment Should You Expect To Receive After A Hit And Run Accident

Hit and run accidents are particularly scary and often unpredictable as they happen so fast and the perpetrator quickly flees the scene. Whether you were driving in a car, motorcycle, or even a bike, it’s likely you’ve suffered some kind of injury from being involved in an accident so it’s important to get medical treatment […]
Rear-end accidents on the freeway: what you should know

Making up over 30% of the traffic accidents in the US every year, rear-end accidents are a daily occurrence across our highways and freeways, and freeway rear-end accidents are the most common accident that happens. With so many external factors impacting drivers to cause freeway rear-end accidents such as tailgating and even the weather, it’s […]
What Is Distracted Driving & Are You Guilty Of Doing It?

Being distracted behind the wheel may not seem like the most dangerous activity you could be doing when driving, but tragically it took 2,841 lives in 2018 alone. Distracted driving by definition is a major factor in a car accident that can easily be avoided but sadly, is all too common. We explore the top […]
Wrong-way Drivers 101 – When Drivers See The Wrong Way Sign

What happens when you’ve been involved in an accident with a wrong-way driver? Picture the scene; you’re driving along the highway and take a wrong turn on a road you’re unfamiliar with and suddenly find traffic heading straight in your direction. Wrong-way driving may seem like an obvious mistake to avoid but shockingly, in the […]
Pain and Suffering After A Car Accident- All You Need To Know

Whether you were a passenger, driver, or even pedestrian who’s been involved in a car accident and left with ongoing pain and suffering, you’re entitled to compensation. As every accident is unique, your pain and suffering should be treated uniquely too. If you’ve found yourself living with pain and ongoing suffering after an accident, we’d […]
Someone Hit Your Parked Car – What Can You do?

What would you do if someone hit your parked car? Picture the scene; you’ve parked your car safely in an allotted parking space and gone about your day only to return to a scene of chaos. If someone has crashed into your parked car and you’re wondering what to do next, our article will help […]