Been Involved In A High-speed Hit And Run Accident? Here’s What You Need To Do
Being involved in a hit-and-run accident at any speed is frustrating and often scary for the victim as they’re left feeling helpless and confused as to what to do next. If you’ve been involved in a high-speed hit and run accident and want to know what you should do next or want some legal advice […]
T-Bone Accidents And The Injuries Caused
No matter the speed or position of your car, being involved in a crash is both devastating and costly on many levels. A sideswipe or t bone accident can be particularly devastating as the vehicle being hit is usually unaware the accident is going to happen before impact due to the line of vision on […]
What You Need to Know If You’ve Been In a Car Accident That Wasn’t Your Fault
Being injured in any kind of accident is a miserable time — especially when the car accident wasn’t your fault and now you’re faced with escalating medical bills and ongoing injuries. If you’ve been injured in a car accident that wasn’t your fault, the next steps can sometimes be hard to understand and even know […]
What being negligent in the state of Arizona will mean
You’re probably aware that as a victim of a car, pedestrian, or auto accident, your legal case in Phoenix, Arizona will be considered negligence due to the accident happening through no fault of your own. But, what does that mean in legal terms, and how does that impact your ongoing legal case- and more importantly, […]
Why not All Car Accident Injuries Are the Same
We probably don’t need to tell you that when it comes to car accidents and the injuries caused- no case is ever the same. In fact, as the victim of an auto accident, you’ll already know your injuries are personal and can only be felt by you. The only thing that all car accident injuries […]
Mental Recovery After a DUI Accident
If you’ve been involved in an auto accident where the at-fault driver was reckless and driving under the influence of alcohol, you’re probably feeling a mix of emotions including anger, frustration, and despair. Many of the DUI cases we see here at Phoenix Accident and Injury Law have long-lasting implications on the lives of all […]