What You Need to Know If You’ve Been In a Car Accident That Wasn’t Your Fault

Being injured in any kind of accident is a miserable time — especially when the car accident wasn’t your fault and now you’re faced with escalating medical bills and ongoing injuries. If you’ve been injured in a car accident that wasn’t your fault, the next steps can sometimes be hard to understand and even know […]
Coping With Back Pain After an Auto Accident

If you’ve recently had an accident that wasn’t your fault and as a result, been left injured and enduring ongoing pain, chances are you’re experiencing bad back pains on top of everything else. Coping with any kind of pain- especially if it was completely out of your control- is miserable. Here at Phoenix Accident and […]
Miscarriages after motor accidents

Being involved in a motor accident is traumatic and very often painful, leaving victims with ongoing health implications and sudden financial burden. Being involved in a car accident that causes a miscarriage and losing your unborn child is a whole new level of pain and ongoing suffering that you could only imagine if you’ve experienced […]
Claiming pain and suffering damages in your wrongful death case

Our wrongful death attorneys are all too familiar with the ongoing pain and suffering endured in wrongful death cases particularly after a sudden accident that could have been avoided. The loss of a loved one is a tragic occasion filled with grief and anguish for surviving family members and can feel completely overwhelming. It’s important […]
Arizona law changes to protect hit and run victims

Hit and run accidents are some of the most heartbreaking and tragic traffic accidents that happen in the state of Arizona, due to the very nature of hitting someone in a vehicle and fleeing the scene. Hit and run victims are often confused and very injured. Whilst any car accident is costly, causes painful injuries, […]
Why You Need to Hire an Auto Accident Doctor if You’ve Been Injured

We all know how important it is to like your doctor, right? After all, their sole job is to help you feel better or offer you advice, so having a great rapport is often very important! Here at Phoenix Accident and Injury Law, we also know that having any kind of auto accident can often […]