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Victim’s Rights and Dram Shop Laws

Victim of DUI Dram Shop Liability- the dram shop laws that govern DUIs and buzzed driving laws

What Are the Rights of Victims of DUI and Dram Shop Laws in Arizona? This article focuses on the rights of Victims of DUI and Dram Shop laws in Arizona. These rights and laws focus on keeping people safe and eliminating DUI victims. Although there are widespread campaigns to warn against the dangers of drinking […]

Pain and Suffering Damages in a Wrongful Death Lawsuit

couple sits together after being awarded pain suffering damages for 3M earplugs

How Do You Prove Pain and Suffering Damages in a Wrongful Death Claim? The loss of a loved one is a tragic occasion filled with grief and anguish for surviving family members.  The legal term for the grief you are feeling is a claim of pain and suffering in a wrongful death claim.  The emotional […]