DUI Wrongful Death Cases

When DUI victims do not survive a crash caused by an intoxicated or impaired driver, their families can be left trying to pull together the pieces of their lives in the aftermath of such a tragedy. Those who have lost a family member to DUI wrongful death are left to pick up the pieces. Family […]
Settling Fatal Car Crashes

The suffering endured after a fatal car crash is immeasurable and incredibly personal and with the added stress a legal case can bring, can feel like the horror won’t end. Handling a settlement in these instances requires a lot of dedication and time spent with the family of the victim, something our team prides themselves […]
Miscarriages after motor accidents

Being involved in a motor accident is traumatic and very often painful, leaving victims with ongoing health implications and sudden financial burden. Being involved in a car accident that causes a miscarriage and losing your unborn child is a whole new level of pain and ongoing suffering that you could only imagine if you’ve experienced […]
Claiming pain and suffering damages in your wrongful death case

Our wrongful death attorneys are all too familiar with the ongoing pain and suffering endured in wrongful death cases particularly after a sudden accident that could have been avoided. The loss of a loved one is a tragic occasion filled with grief and anguish for surviving family members and can feel completely overwhelming. It’s important […]
Wrongful Death Laws in Arizona

The loss of a loved one due to an auto accident can be incredibly challenging, creating unforeseen emotional and financial difficulties. It is even more heartbreaking when a loved one’s death was caused by another party’s negligent or intentionally wrongful behavior. When a death occurs because of another party’s wrongdoing, certain family members, as defined […]
Wrongful Death of an Unborn Child/Fetus

The Wrongful Death Of An Unborn Child – What Should You and Your Family Do Next? The wrongful death of your unborn child after an auto accident is an unthinkable tragedy. It is a shocking result of an auto accident, no one ever thinks a child will die before even having the chance to live. […]