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Maravilla Care Center

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Maravilla Care Center

8825 South 7th Street
Phoenix, AZ 85042

For profit

Overall Rating
Much Below Average

Health Inspection Rating
Much Below Average

Reasons for Citations or Poor Rating

Failed ensure resident was treated with respect and dignity.
Failed to ensure resident was free from sexual abuse by another resident.
Failed to ensure resident was free from physical abuse by other resident.
Failed to implement their policy regarding an allegation of abuse.
Failed to thoroughly investigate an allegation of sexual assault.
Failed to ensure that expired medications were not available.
Failed to ensure a controlled medication was not returned to the broken seal card and secured with tape.
Failed to ensure containers of strawberry jello with fruit were covered when stored in the refrigerator.
Failed to identify quality concerns and implement effective plans of action to correct the deficiencies related to abuse.
Failed to ensure an allegation of abuse was reported within the required timeframe.
Fire Safety Inspectors determined that the building had Smoke Deficiencies; Gas, Vacuum, and Electrical Systems Deficiencies; Miscellaneous Deficiencies.

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