Elder Abuse
Any knowing, intentional, or negligent act by a caregiver or any other person that causes harm or a serious risk of harm to a vulnerable adult. ‹ Back to glossary
Elder Neglect
Elder neglect is defined as any failure by a caregiver, whether it is a hired staff or a family member, to fulfill the obligations related to the older person’s care. Forms of neglect typically include any denial of needs related to shelter, food, clothing, hygiene and medical care. ‹ Back to glossary
Emotional Abuse
Emotional abuse against the elderly can be verbal or nonverba. Both can be devastating and include the following behaviors: blaming the victim, scapegoating the victim, engaging in demeaning behavior toward the elder, humiliating the victim, ridiculing the victim, ignoring the needs of the elderly person, terrorizing the elderly person, behaving menacingly toward the elder, intimidating […]
Elder Sexual Abuse
Elder sexual abuse is defined as any act against an elder that is unwanted and sexual in origin. It usually involves those over 60 years of age. Elder sexual abuse includes any sexual contact with an elder who, because of mental illness or dementia, cannot communicate their disapproval of the behavior against them or cannot […]
Physical Abuse
Physical abuse is classified by injuries such as bruising, cuts, and broken bones. Slapping, pushing, and hitting all constitute physical abuse. The improper use of physical or medicinal restraints also falls into the category of physical abuse. ‹ Back to glossary
Arizona state law considers abuse as the intentional physical harm, injuries caused by negligence, unjustified confinement, sexual abuse, and/or sexual assault. ‹ Back to glossary