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10 Tips to Handle Your Own Auto Accident Claim

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While for many people, it is much easier to have an attorney handle their auto accident claim, some people may want to handle it on their own. Some people choose to have an attorney handle the claim because they feel that an experienced auto accident claim attorney can handle the claim quicker, or they may be too focused on their recovery to think about dealing with filing a claim. Or, perhaps they were injured and had to return to work, so they simply don’t have the time to file their auto accident claim themselves.

For the people who want to handle their auto accident claim on their own, many of them don’t want to deal with an attorney, or the hassle of finding one. Or, maybe they think their case is so cut and dry that they won’t need one, or don’t want to have to pay legal fees out of their settlement.

While we always recommend hiring an experienced attorney in order to get the best settlement possible for your auto accident claim, we do understand that you may end up deciding to handle your claim on your own. If that is the case, we’ve compiled some of our best tips to help you navigate the auto accident claim process.

The injury attorneys at Phoenix Accident and Injury Law Firm in Phoenix have significant experience in helping clients who have been hit in auto accident and need to file their own claim. If you need help filing a claim for one of these awful, life changing accidents, we are here to help you get the compensation you deserve.

We sincerely hope that this article help you file your own auto accident claim, but if you still need help, please reach out to us. Our offices are conveniently located in Chandler, Peoria, and North Phoenix, and we can meet in-person or over the phone or video call.  You can contact us for a free consultation, or read on to find out more.

By the way, we will also help with other problems that have cost you sleep, like getting a rental car very soon and finding a nearby doctor or psychiatrist who can help get your life back on track. Even the best legal team isn’t good enough if your quality of life isn’t sustainable while justice and compensation are on the way. The whole point of legal action is to regain quality of life, so we help you long-term as attorneys and short-term as your go-to people. Our familiarity with the local Phoenix courts makes us confident that we can help you get the best settlement possible.

If you are unsure whether or not you can afford an attorney, don’t worry. We only get paid when you settle. Check out our Attorney Fees Calculator to find out more.

Our Auto Accident Claim Tips

If you choose to work with an attorney, you should no longer speak with insurance agents, even your own. Refer all inquiries to your attorney.

If You Are Not Working With an Attorney, Be Cautious When Dealing With Insurance Companies

  • Know to whom you’re speaking, whether the insurance agent works for your insurance company or that of the other party.
  • If the adjuster comes to your home, ask for a business card to confirm the company.
  • Let the adjuster/agent know if you are confused about any information or questions and ask for clarification.
  • Be wary of giving signed or recorded statements.
  • Ensure that you are completely cognizant, calm, and aware when discussing your case with the insurance adjuster. Emotions can cloud your judgment, so it is a smart idea to have a trusted friend or family member present during all discussions.
  • Even if you haven’t engaged a personal injury attorney to file a suit, you may want to hire an experienced attorney on an hourly basis to review any documents before you sign them. For example, an insurance release will release a drunk driver from future liability. If you sign a release and receive a check for a set amount, you may discover later that you could have received more insurance money, or you may have additional financial needs you won’t be able to go back to discuss.
  • Obtain multiple estimates on vehicle damages before settling. You’ll be in a better position to negotiate with the insurance company’s offer with several estimates. Do the same with all medical bills. It is important to know the full extent of injuries as well as the prognosis for treatment before making a final settlement. Know that, in both cases, it may take months before you know the full extent of expenses.
  • Keep records of everything, whether you spent money or had emotional and psychological effects. Request a copy of any and all settlement offers in writing. While it does not have to be a formal, typed letter, it should at least be signed and dated by the person making the offer.
  • Remember that insurance adjusters are not attorneys and do not have the experience or authority to provide legal advice. Their job is to negotiate the best deal for the insurance company, and while they may advocate for you to an extent, they work for the insurance company, not you.
  • Know the statute of limitations for personal injury and property damage as pertains to your case. You may want to work with an attorney to be fully aware of this information.

Get Help Now

At Phoenix Accident and Injury Law Firm near you, we have more than 15 years of experience helping clients obtain compensation for their personal injuries from DUI accidents in the Phoenix area. We hope this guide helps you file your own auto accident claim, but if you need additional help, please contact our office to arrange a free initial consultation by phone or at our Chandler office, conveniently located near you.

If you have been in an auto accident, contact Phoenix Accident and Injury Law Firm in nearby Chandler, AZ to speak with an experienced personal injury attorney. We provide personal injury legal services to clients in your area including Chandler, Gilbert, Mesa, Scottsdale, Tempe, and Peoria.