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Paralysis After a Car Accident

Coping with Paralysis After An Accident

If you or a loved one has suffered a paralysis as a result of a car accident, it affects everyone involved, both now and into the future. Such an injury is defined as one that permanently prevents the person from performing gainful work.

Paralysis has long-term effects physically, emotionally, and financially. They usually happen suddenly and without warning, as in the case of an  auto accident.  At Phoenix Accident and Injury Law Firm, we can review your individual circumstances to get a better understanding what’s caused your injury and whether there is a legal case you could choose to pursue.  Our injury attorneys at Phoenix Accident and Injury Law Firm near you have significant experience in helping clients paralyzed in car accidents.  Our offices are conveniently located in near you ChandlerPeoria, and North Phoenix, and we can meet in-person or over the phone or video call. You can contact us for a free consultation, or read on to find out more.

Read Our Client Reviews

“What can I say about the… [Phoenix Accident and Injury] Law Firm? They are AMAZING!! It’s never fun when you need an accident lawyer because you are pretty much in a bad place. Shane and the staff have been wonderful, kept me informed at every step of this process. I would recommend… [Phoenix Accident and Injury] Law Firm to anyone, in fact, I have referred several friends already!! Thank you… [Phoenix Accident and Injury] Law Firm for everything you did for me!!!” – Kimberly Legaspi (Read this Review on Google)

“Shane and his firm worked around the clock to get our case resolved. Not to mention the great outcome. I would highly recommend him and his team.” – F.R. (Read this Review on Google)

The Cause and Effect of Paralysis after an Accident

More significant than a typical injury, catastrophic injuries have an enormous impact on the individuals who incur them, as well as those around those individuals.

These types of injuries are caused by a variety of circumstances and often include significant damage to:

Long-lasting effects can include paralysis and other physical, mental, and emotional impairments.

A catastrophic injury lawsuit and eventual settlement seek to compensate victims and their families for these lifelong disabilities, rehabilitation, and medical bills.

Types of Catastrophic Injury Cases

There are a wide range of different types of personal injuries that could have been prevented, whether that’s in the workplace, a care setting or on the road.

What Types of Paralysis Are There? 

Depending on the type, location, and severity of your injury, there are many different types of paralysis that you could suffer from. It can be general (all over your body), localized (affects a small part of your body such as face or vocal cords), or it can affect a single limb or series of limbs.  

  1. Partial: With this type of paralysis, you still have some control over your muscles, although this control may be sporadic.  
  2. Complete: When you cannot move the affected muscles at all.  
  3. Permanent: When you never regain control of your muscles.  
  4. Temporary: When some or all muscle control returns.  
  5. Flaccid: When the muscles shrink and become flabby due to disuse. 
  6. Spastic: When the muscles grow tight and jerk around rapidly.  

What Injuries Cause Paralysis After a Car Accident? 

While there are many ways to become paralyzed, including strokes and other neurological issues, there are very specific injuries that cause paralysis after a car accident. Paralysis is caused when something interrupts the connection between your brain and your limbs. Therefore, any injury that affects your brain, neck, or spinal cord has a greater risk of causing paralysis.  

What are the Symptoms of Paralysis?

The symptoms of paralysis are fairly easy to recognize. Apart from the obvious loss of function in your limbs, here are some symptoms:  

  • Numbness or Pain in the Affected Muscles 
  • Muscle Weakness 
  • Stiffness in the Affected Muscles 
  • Involuntary Spasms or Twitches 

If You Need More Information, Take a Look at These Articles

How can I handle my own auto accident claim if I have been paralyzed? 

How can I calculate the settlement value for my paralysis?

How do I file an insurance claim with the at-fault driver if I have been paralyzed? 

Should I expect to get medical treatment for my paralysis in a hit-and-run accident? 

Can I claim pain and suffering in my paralysis settlement? 

How can I cope with unexpected medical bills for my paralysis?

How do paralysis auto accident settlements work? 

How do I know how much my paralysis is worth? 

Why do I need to hire an auto accident doctor if I have been paralyzed? 

Paralysis Resources in Phoenix

If you have been paralyzed, the first thing you should do is go to your doctor and seek medical attention. After you have seen a specialist, you might find these resources helpful.  

Next Step Phoenix 

Arizona Spinal Cord Injury Association 

Newsome Melton Spinal Cord Injury Support Groups 

Spinal Cord Injury Support Groups  

Will 2 Walk Foundation  

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